What a great email!Written by Jean Slatter

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I received a kind and wonderful email today. It’s this kind of support that keeps me moving forward and continuing to teach. It turly inspires me to get positive feedback.



Dear Jean, I met you for the first time in 2007 in Flagstaff at the  Dowsing Conference and again in 2009.  Last year I couldn’t attend but some friends of mine did and couldn’t help but rave about you, purchased all your materials and even gave me tapes from your book, Hiring the Heavens for my birthday. I am saving up to make sure I can attend the conference in 2013, and counting on you being there.  Watching you evolve as a person and presenter has been fun and inspiring to observe.
This year the Thursday Book Group I belong to published a book.  This book was uncensored, each of the 27 authors wrote in the best way they could from their core, essence and experiences.  While meditating on the things I might write about I could not exclude my acceptance, awareness and importance angels have played in my life and the many authors that have opened doors and have led me to what I have found to be such a fun, purposeful, creative and mystical life.
Our book is named Stories, Experiences, Truth and Wisdom by the Thursday Book Group as it is listed on Amazon.  I just wanted you to know we appreciate your involvement with Spirit, your contribution to many especially the Dowsers and the allowing of Spirit to come into your life. I mentioned you as the author of Hiring the Heavens.
We are having a dinner celebration on Saturday, Nov. 17th, in Lake Havasu City, Arizona our stories will be read and again you and your book will be acknowledged.
Thanks again for being you and stepping forward in becoming who you have become.
In Spirit,
Betty Hapke, Beej (Adare Graham Jackson)pseudonym name I used in our book”


Jean Slatter

Jean Slatter

Jean Slatter is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who is helping thousands to receive clarity, direction and purpose through their direct access to Higher Guidance.

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Quantum Living Podcast – Finding the Way to Myself – with Anna Anderson

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