Speaking Engagements
Jean Slatter for Your Speaking Engagement
Jean is the creator and world’s foremost authority on the Hiring the Heavens concept. A bestselling author, international speaker, Higher Guidance Life Coach, certified Traditional Naturopath and Founding Senior Minister with Awakenings Institute, Jean will inspire your audience members to ignite their creative powers in tandem with higher wisdom and capture the magic they’re looking for in their lives – and bring it into their daily lives. Jean Slatter’s keynotes feature unique and memorable content packaged with engaging and heart-touching tools for greater awareness of the deeper connection of heart and soul, and practical ways to be a spiritual being having a human experience.
Jean has been been a presenter at the Awakenings conferences along with Marianne Williamson, Joe Vitale, Dan Millman, Jean Houston and Don Miguel Ruiz and the keynote speaker at the Unity Conference in Florida. Jean’s materials have been featured in noted publications such as First for Women magazine, Science of Mind, New Age Journal, Conscious Living Magazine, and many others. She had been on dozens of radio and blogtalk programs. She was on the cover and featured in Truly Alive magazine.
– Frannie
To book Jean for a presentation for your association, organization, conference, company or church, call or email us.
Tel: 916 663-1665
Email: jeanslatter@jeanslatter.com
Hiring the Heavens
Why not hire from the Heavens?Whether you realize it or not, you play a part in the divine plan of creation. Once you recognize this, you can gain access to the immense power of the Universe. Jean Slatter will present simple and fun techniques to “employ” Divine assistance to make every wish a reality using a transformational approach that invites you to become a conscious and deliberate co-creator. Whether the task is large or small, whether you want to manifest your dreams, find a soul mate, improve your finances, or simply get through your days without stress and worry, the Heavens are ready to help. With fun, familiar imagery and an easy “hiring” process, this approach teaches you how to recruit the resources of the Heavens and mobilize a talented and willing celestial “staff”! Applying these concepts, serendipity will become an everyday occurrence and worries will magically fall away. Discover how easy it can be to call upon the gifts and talents in the world of energy and employ your very own spiritual workforce!
Hired BY the Heavens
Discover Your Life’s Purpose. The desire to know our purpose has been a deep longing within each of us since the beginning of time. The question “Why am I here?” ranges from a superficial “What’s the best job for me?” to a profound yearning that demands “Why do I exist?” Realization of our unique purpose is quintessential to fulfillment and understanding our place within the greater scheme of life. One of the reasons this question is so difficult to answer is that it is actually asking four questions. Join Jean Slatter as she presents four aspects of your purpose. This is a fun experiential presentation where you will meet your esteemed celestial High Council and learn to recognize their advice and guidance. You will find out what is on your life resume’ and get clarity on your unique Gifts of Spirit. You will learn how to negotiate your contract and co-create the life of your dreams. You will discover your soul’s mission and in doing so fulfill your greatest commitment. The Heavens wants to hire you! Take the mystery out and gain the confidence to express your Light as you walk your magical path in life with greater purpose and clarity.
Break Free of the Law of Attraction
Are you frustrated working with the Law of Attraction? Sometimes the Law of Attraction just doesn’t make sense, and quite frankly not everything that happens (good or bad) is truly attracted. I’m convinced it’s not the only way we can manifest. The universe is considerably more interesting and complex than what can be boiled down to a simple attraction concept. There is a higher law that taps into the overriding force and wisdom governing creation and our real nature. I’ve studied and practiced the Law of Attraction for years and I have stumbled onto a much more powerful force than attraction. In the years since publishing Hiring the Heavens I have discovered how unique and different it is from the principles behind attracting. Many others have excitedly agreed. I have opened to more peace, joy and practical inspiration …and yes, even some extraordinary miracles. Learn my secret. The time has come for a whole new UNIVERSE OF POWER to unfold as you open to the Law of Grace.
Secret Power of Wants
Finding Out What You REALLY Want. Are you confused about what you want in your career, relationships, personal growth, financial affairs, etc? You’re not alone. Most people are. Unfortunately they don’t know the only way you can end the confusion is to know what you truly want first. Knowing what you want is the essential first step in manifesting. Sounds simple enough but surprisingly very few people take the time to discover their true wants. They may have a vague idea or think they know but after closer examination they discover it is something entirely different than what they originally thought. No wonder people are confused! The path to a greater sense of purpose and joy starts with knowing what you truly want. In this presentation Jean will share with you the breakthrough process called the Secret Power of Wants. The Secret Power of Wants will help you gain the clarity you need to discover what you really want and end the confusion.
The Creative Mystic Program
There are many self-help books, programs, and seminars promising to teach us how to listen to our intuition and higher guidance. So often the promises are empty. We are told that the answers to our growth and transformation lie within, but are not given the tools or the knowledge to access those answers. We end up frustrated and conclude that this guidance is only attainable by those born with the “gift.” How can we find and trust our own intuitive voice? The Creative Mystic Program will show you how easy it is to access your intuition and higher guidance regardless of where you are in your training. You will be convinced that you can find and trust your higher guidance as you travel your path of self exploration and discovery. The Creative Mystic program will help you know yourself more fully than you’ve ever known yourself before. It’s full of tools, practical steps, and specific methods for accessing your Higher Guidance and making sense of your life and soul. Find out WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOUR PURPOSE IS. When you truly know yourself as a Creative Mystic and you’ve reclaimed your wings, you will feel the magic of life. Whether you’re grocery shopping or watching the brilliance of a sunrise, there will be a greater sense of purpose, delight, clarity, joy, wonder, and peace. In short, you’ll have access to the “wow” factor in life again.
“I was delighted with Jean Slatter’s presentation at the 2007 Southwest Dowsers’ in Flagstaff, AZ. I was so enthused with the concepts she talked about that I purchased her book on CD, “Hiring the Heavens.” Jean’s reading of her book on the CD added a personal touch and her delight in her stories was evident. Certain that she would be a wonderful speaker for the Tucson Dowsers, a chapter of the American Society of Dowsers, I was able to schedule Jean to present at our Silver Anniversary Gathering in May of 2009. Jean was fabulous and her talk was clearly enjoyed by our audience. Her energy and enthusiasm was contagious and I would rate her ability as a speaker as A++. I also appreciated the reminder of how easy it really is to get exactly what I need by developing a working relationship with the “spirits of creation.” Jean was so easy to work with and very approachable–a treat for our members. I can only hope to entice Jean to present in Tucson again. We will certainly ” “Hire the Heavens” to ensure that happens in the future.”
— Steve Klunk, President, Tucson Dowsers
“Greetings Fellow Unity Churches, Bear with me. We are just so very excited here! At Unity Church of Fresno we recently invited renowned author, Jean Slatter to be a guest speaker. Following our Sunday Service Jean conducted a two hour workshop. Her theme for both the Sunday Lesson and the Workshop was entitled “Hiring The Heavens”. We contacted Jean Slatter on a whim. With her busy schedule, we never believed that she would take the time to visit us here at our small Unity church in Fresno. But she did! Like all of you, we have had many guest speakers over the years and many special workshops. While we have always been inspired, learned interesting insights, and developed new opportunities for ourselves as a result of various special engagements, none has ever impacted our entire congregation as much as Jean.Jean’s simple formula for every day success was delivered in a warmhearted, sincere desire to have us celebrate our lives and our achievements every step of the way. Her simple application of celestial bodies to assist us with anything from a small family outing to a major convention was amazing. Jean presented a totally new spin on Spirit providing help whenever we ask for it. She shared numerous adventures that she and others have had in “Hiring the Heavens” in stunning fashion. And it was all so easy! There were 21 of us in her workshop and each put our newly formed staffs to work right away. While some in our group may have been skeptical, thinking their first success was a coincidence, that vanished quickly. We are now all believers! Our lives and our outlook on things changed individually and as a whole. We are beginning a monthly “Hiring the Heavens” program at our church to make sure that the benefits are realized by all who desire them.
I have never before promoted anyone, but I have been lead by Spirit to in hopes that you will be inspired to contact her and have her speak at your church. Believe me, you will be amazed, and rewarded in unbelievable ways!”
— Rosa Rubay, Program Coordinator, Unity Church of Fresno
“Jean Slatter, the author of Hiring the Heavens returned for a second time, speaking again this month here at Unity of Tucson. People are even now asking when she is going to return. Jean’s personality blends well with Unity audiences, and her message is predicated on workable and applicable principles that are easy for anyone to apply throughout their lives. Her books have sold very well in our bookstore, and it is not uncommon for a customer to return and buy many copies for family and friends. Mary Ellen and I are available to authenticate this letter of recommendation should any care to call.”
—Larry and Mary Ellen Swath, Ministers
“Dear spiritual friend, Jean Slatter was a guest at Unity Church in the Gardens in October 2008. I had two experiences of her as she was also one of the keynote speakers for our Southeastern Unity Conference. As a Sunday speaker, Jean had the audience in the palm of her hand. Her animated, articulate manner of getting her message across captivated the audience The stories she shared relating to how she received help from the angelic realm had people lining up to buy her books and CD’s and to attend the afternoon workshop. Her workshop was very well attended and everyone left feeling that they had tools to enrich their lives. Speaking to a group of Unity ministers is a different audience than a Sunday congregation, and Jean was amazingly adept at relating to the clergy on our level. She is amusing, entertaining and packs a power message on Hiring the Heavens. I can honestly recommend Jean Slatter wholeheartedly as a speaker, workshop presenter and beautiful spiritual soul. If you have any questions or would like to speak with me further about Jean, please give me a call. I would love to speak with you.”– Diane Robinson, Spiritual Leader www.unitychurchIntheGardens.com
To book Jean for a presentation for your association, organization, conference, company or church, call or email us.
Tel: 916 663-1665
Email: jeanslatter@jeanslatter.com