Fantastic Self-Study Video Courses!
Are you wanting a way to study the concepts of the Creative Mystic Intuitive® certification program without going through a classroom setting? Consider one of these Self-Study solutions available. These courses will help you access your intuition and higher wisdom and open the door to a life of personal enlightenment, holistic well being and abundance in every way.
Explore where your life and soul meet.
Choose from these three video courses or...

Hiring the Heavens In-Depth
The time has come for you to experience a whole new UNIVERSE OF POWER from your celestial friends! In Hiring the Heavens In-Depth video course, you will dive extensively into the concepts presented in Jean Slatter's book and proceed beyond with new understandings since this #1 best selling book hit the market. Join with thousands who have already experienced the magic.
There Is Nothing Comparable
To The Secrets of Being A Master Creator
With Mind-Blowing Power!
In this self-study video course you’ll also learn how you can
Break Free of the Law of Attraction!
The universe is considerably more interesting and complex than what can be boiled down to a simple attraction concept. There is a higher law that taps into the overriding force and wisdom governing creation and our real nature.
You have more options than you’ve been lead to believe!
If you are frustrated with the Law of Attraction, it's time to discover a much more powerful force than attraction and open to more peace, joy and practical inspiration …and yes, even extraordinary miracles.
The time has come for a whole new UNIVERSE OF POWER to unfold as you open to the Law of Grace.

Pendulum Dowsing
Intuition Through Pendulum Dowsing
Jean considers pendulum dowsing the most self-empowering intuition tool available.
This is your opportunity to learn from a master dowser.
Most people associate the term ‘dowsing’ with the process of using rods or branches to help locate water sources.
Actually, dowsing encompasses a much broader concept that includes the use of any object, such as a pendulum, to tune in to certain frequencies of energy information, much like you would use a radio dial to tune in to a particular station.
You can turn your pendulum into a extraordinarily powerful tool of intuition as you learn to connect and communicate with your Higher Guidance. A whole new world of possibilities will open as you discover how to go beyond yes and no questions and phrase your questions accurately for the high quality answers.
Pendulum dowsing will become your go-to method of receiving wisdom and guidance for any of your life's concerns.
NOTE: This self-study program is an isolated part taken from Tools to Raise Your TQ: Transcendent Intelligence® for those only interested in learning to dowse. For a more comprehensive study of other intuition tools, including dowsing, consider Tools to Raise Your TQ: Transcendent Intelligence® .

Tools to Raise Your TQ: Transcendent Intelligence®
Pendulum Dowsing
Most people are familiar with the term IQ, which measures a person’s intelligence. Did you know that every person also has a TQ, which stands for Transcendent Intelligence® ?
This is that innate intelligence beyond the intellect.
You can learn how to bypass the logical mind and go directly to the one source who knows you better than anybody – YOU! – through your Transcendent Intelligence.
You’ll learn practical and powerful techniques for unleashing the guidance just waiting to express itself.
Your Mind Is More Powerful Than All The Computers On Earth!
Through the Tools to Raise Your TQ training you’ll learn how to awaken and strengthen your Transcendent Intelligence utilizing simple and immediately applicable techniques and gain the TQ Advantage!
You'll learn simple muscle testing techniques, be trained in the use of Tarot and other oracles such as angel cards and Runes, and receive a complete course in pendulum dowsing.
You'll also learn a unique form of intuitive communication called Higher Guidance Journaling so you can finally get the answers you are seeking for the big and small questions in your life.
...or bundle together to save!

TQ Advantage Bundle
Hiring the Heavens In-Depth
Pendulum Dowsing
Tools to Raise Your TQ: Transcendent Intelligence®
First, delve into Hiring the Heavens In-Depth module. Join with thousands who have already experienced the magic of Hiring the Heavens, Jean Slatter's #1 best selling book, and deepen your understanding of the concepts.
There Is Nothing Comparable
To The Secrets of Being A Master Creator
With Mind-Blowing Power!
In this module you’ll also learn how you can
Break Free of the Law of Attraction!
If you are frustrated with the Law of Attraction, it's time to discover a much more powerful force than attraction and, in doing so, open to more peace, joy and practical inspiration …and yes, even extraordinary miracles.
Next, in the Tools to Raise Your TQ: Transcendent Intelligence® module you'll discover how to tap into the expansive creativity of the intuitive mind and get the TQ Advantage! Did you know that every person has Transcendent Intelligence? Discovering and raising your TQ is so much fun and is essential for receiving Higher Guidance answers for you and your clients!
You’ll learn practical and powerful techniques for unleashing the guidance just waiting to express itself.
This pivotal information will be instrumental:
- in creating your success
- improving your relationships
- and enhancing the degree of fulfillment and joy you experience
- in both business and in your personal life.
You’ll find out how to hone your own power through the intuitive mind and access the knowledge therein.
You’ll be able to:
- comprehend more quickly the messages life is sending you
- think more creatively and purposefully
- analyze more deeply the perfect solutions to situations
- innovate and solve problems
- and be assured of the divine arrangements of your soul’s path.

Creative Mystic® Spiritual Studies
Embark on The Most Fantastic Treasure Hunt You Can Imagine!
Hiring the Heavens In-Depth
Pendulum Dowsing
Tools to Raise Your TQ: Transcendent Intelligence
Creative Mystic® Spiritual Studies
Do you want something more than dogma and religious rigmarole?
Have you been seeking a spiritual study that encourages you to find your answers within?
“The Creative Mystic Journey is like a fantastic treasure hunt and YOU are the prize!”
Whether you realize it or not, you’re already on a spiritual journey.
What soul hasn’t wondered “Who am I?” “Why am I?” “What am I here to do?” “Do I matter?”
These are the quintessential mysteries of the soul that have been explored throughout the ages and frankly, they can only be satisfied by you.
You might think that you have no time to invest in becoming a more present, spiritual being, but it is the most direct path to a world of synchronicity, meaning, purpose and magical creation.
It is the journey of a Creative Mystic.
The Creative Mystic® Spiritual Studies show you that you hold your own truth, and that there is no guru on Earth that can tell you what your truth is; only you can.
- Are you ready to learn how to heighten intuition and receive your own answers?
- Are you ready to accelerate your personal growth with powerful and highly effective tools?
- Are you ready to clear away the blocks that are holding you back from realizing your dreams?
- Are you ready to know your purpose and discover your gifts of Spirit?
The Creative Mystic program will help you reclaim and resurrect your own Higher Guidance.