About Jean Slatter
Jean Slatter is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who is helping thousands to receive clarity, direction and purpose through their direct access to Higher Guidance.
In 2005 Jean published her landmark book Hiring the Heavens which introduced a unique perspective on connecting with the power of the heavens to fulfill your daily and life goals. Hiring the Heavens is inspiring people all over the world to create their world in tandem with the workforce of the celestial realm. Since its release date in 2005 Hiring the Heavens has been consistently ranked in the top 3% of books sales on Amazon.com.
Jean is the founder of the Higher Guidance Life Coach Certification Program & the Creative Mystic program which teaches holistic healing modalities and spiritual philosophies intended for self-growth and assisting others on their paths to wholeness.
Jean believes there is no barrier or separation between you and your divine nature. Through her program she provides easy-to-use and practical tools to reveal the wisdom of the soul and transform your being into the real truth of who you are. Jean believes that we are all powerful creators, divinely sanctioned to express our gifts to the world.
Jean leads workshops across the country and is a sought after speaker.
She has been featured on Gaiam TV, Conscious Media Network, and Hay House Radio with Iyanla Vanzant. She has also been a presenter at the Awakenings conferences along with Marianne Williamson, Joe Vitale, Dan Millman, Jean Houston and Don Miguel Ruiz and the keynote speaker at the Unity Conference in Florida. Jean’s materials have been featured in noted publications such as First for Women magazine, Science of Mind, New Age Journal, Conscious Living Magazine, and many others. She had been on dozens of radio and blogtalk programs.
Jean Slatter is a Higher Guidance Life Coach specializing in receiving intuitive information to help clients optimize their potential and realize their dreams and goals through integrated wellbeing of mind, body and spirit.
Jean works one on one coaching clients by connecting with their Higher Guidance. Jean’s unique intuitive ability has helped many on their path of personal and spiritual discovery as they move toward a greater awareness and understanding of life’s events.
Jean is a Certified Traditional Naturopath and has had a private practice since 1992.
She earned her Doctor of Naturopathy from the Clayton School of Naturopathy and Ph.D. in Nutritional Therapy from the American Holistic College of Nutrition. She is a certified Nutritional Consultant through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants and is certified as an Acupressurist through the Berkeley Institute of Acupressure. She is also certified in herbology through the Tree of Light Institute.
Jean is a practitioner of Allergy Elimination, Applied Kinesiology, a Reiki Master, and an active dowser since 1990.
She has been a popular speaker at many of the dowsing conventions. Jean has been a student of EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll) devices since 1990.
Jean is a Founding Senior Minister of Holistic Healing with Awakenings Institute.
She has always believed in living life in harmony with nature and honoring mind, body and spirit.
Jean’s personal journey:
Like many young people, I was personally unaware of my own truth for the early part of my life. I was raised in a cult-like Christian church. I know firsthand what it’s like to be spoon-fed a dogma that you dare not question for fear of losing the status of being a “chosen one.” While involved in this church, I willingly gave up my power to make up my own mind to this outside authority. In fact, I was taught not trust the voice within me and to silence any whimper.
When I was 19, there was a scandal in the church that woke me up.
For the first time in my life I questioned the church doctrines and my programmed beliefs. My world turned upside down when I could no longer believe in what I had been taught. I became so disillusioned that I left the church and turned my back on anything that smacked of religion or spirituality. I was ushered into the next 20 years of my life as a spiritual skeptic and kept my focus on the mundane of what was right in front of my eyes. I focused my energies on my work in the computer field and stayed as grounded as possible.
During this time, the idea that there was actually a purpose and divine orchestration to my earlier experiences never occurred to me; however, my inner voice, my Higher Guidance, was trying to get my attention.
And then it happened! I had a pivotal moment in my early 40’s when I became fully aware, in no uncertain terms, that there IS something beyond the physical – a higher connection, a spiritual connection. I became acutely aware that I was more than just a physical being, living a physical life, in a physical dimension. I learned that I could be spiritual without the confining dogma of a religion. My skepticism was swept away. I wrote about this pivotal moment in my landmark book, Hiring the Heavens.
My awakening continued when I learned how to create a personal relationship with the spiritual dimension: my angels, my guides and my Higher Guidance. Once that door was opened, I developed intuitive skills to receive answers to all of my burning questions about my life and the nature of existence. For 3 years I journaled the conversations I had with my own Higher Guidance and this opened up an extraordinary world of synchronicity for me to realize my life as a magical journey.
But even more magical, Higher Guidance helped me to understand my mission of being a conduit to bring the Creative Mystic Intuitive program to fruition and share it with the world.
It all boils down to discovering your truth straight from Higher Guidance. Access to your Higher Guidance IS the answer to having a deep understanding of the experiences in your life and how to move into greater joy. It is the one Source that knows everything about you and will lead you to an awareness of your unique purpose and how you make a difference in the world. Access to your Higher Guidance will catapult your personal growth in relationships, finances, health, business and connection to Spirit.
Jean lives in Newcastle, California with her husband and 4 children and can be reached through her website https://creativemystic.com/ or email at JeanSlatter@CreativeMystic.com or more information at www.creativemystic.com