Spiritual EnlightenmentWritten by Jean Slatter

spiritual enlightenment

As One

What does spiritual enlightenment mean to you? Here’s a great article by one of my editors:

Unlimited creative potential

All I wanted was the truth.  What I got however, was a massive dose of deception. And so did you for that matter. We’ve all been duped into believing that we are separate from God, which has got to be one of the all-time greatest spiritual challenges that we have ever faced. (God being just one of many words used to describe the source of unlimited creative potential of which we are a part of and couldn’t be separated from even if we wanted to be.) 

Truth is we are multi-dimensional beings with an unquenchable thirst for adventure.  (Spiritual amnesia…who’s idea was that?)

Now, as much as I believe that we all have what it takes to become a fully enlightened master like Jesus or Buddha, the odds of that happening for me in the lifetime are pretty slim.  What IS possible however, is to communicate with our Higher Self and learn how to interpret and utilize the information and guidance we receive in order to enhance our earthly experience. 

You have the answer

In this way we become our very own personal psychic, yet there is much more to it than that.  Asking, “What does my future hold?” can only be answered by you.  After all, who knows you better than you?

When I want to know the truth about something, I always go directly to the source – the part of me that’s holding all the cards, so to speak.  At times the guidance comes in bits and dribbles in the form of insights, intuition, and synchronicities, while at other times the guidance seems more like a command that I am given to follow. 

Once when I was confused about which direction my career should take, I had a dream that specifically told me the name of a man that I needed to ask for a job.  Although I wasn’t sure what kind of job I was supposed to ask him for and I was scared to put myself out there like that, I did it anyway and was hired on the spot.

spiritual enlightenment

Higher Guidance connection

Establishing a connection to my higher guidance has certainly been a labor of love.  Here are a few disciplines that have worked for me:

·         Surrender to a higher power/intelligence (of which I am a part of).

·         Accept ‘what is’ without trying to manipulate, control, or judge.  Affirm that I am exactly where I need to be (or I would be someplace else).

·         Ask for what I want and remain unattached to the outcome.  If I am unclear about what to ask for, “Telling me what I need to know” works just as well.

·         Become self-centered. Mind my own business. Build integrity; say yes when I mean yes and have the courage to say no when I mean no.

·         Create sacred space.  Let go of people, places, and things that drain energy.  De-clutter my home, my car, my mind.  Refuse to own a television set.

·         Engage the senses.  Pay attention to dreams.  Acknowledge synchronicities.  Follow your inner leader.

·         Cultivate an attitude of gratitude…for everything!  Spirit loves to be acknowledged.

Relying on higher guidance has become a way of life for me; it’s about me learning to trust me and knowing what is for my highest and best good.  And, when I feel concerned about my future in this ever-increasing chaotic world, I affirm that I will be guided to exactly where I need to be. 

And so will you.

Lois Benson

Creative Mystic

Spiritual enlightenment – a fancy term with a simple meaning

As you can see – spiritual enlightenment can mean so many things; ranging from the most minute moments to the biggest. Your Higher Guidance is there for you, to guide you but also to cheer you on, even when you have no idea what you’re doing.

Trust that there is a purpose and as Lois said, surrender. Whether you realize it or not, you designed this life for yourself.

About Jean – Jean Slatter is the founder of the Higher Guidance Life Coach certification program, which teaches holistic healing modalities and spiritual philosophies intended for self-growth and assisting others on their paths to wholeness. She is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who is helping thousands to receive clarity, direction and purpose through their direct access to Higher Guidance. 

In 2005 Jean published her landmark book Hiring the Heavens which introduces a unique perspective on connecting with the power of the heavens to fulfill your daily and life goals. Hiring the Heavens is inspiring people all over the world to create their world in tandem with the workforce of the celestial realm.

Certification programs and courses – If you would like to learn more about becoming a Higher Guidance Life Coach, please visit the program overview page. Jean also provides multiple self-study courses including Hiring the Heavens-in depth, pendulum dowsing, and tools to raise your Transcendent Intelligence (TQ). You can find an overview of these courses here.

Audio and Ebooks – Jean provides a number of audio and Ebook products, which you can find here.


Jean Slatter

Jean Slatter

Jean Slatter is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who is helping thousands to receive clarity, direction and purpose through their direct access to Higher Guidance.

Jean Slatter podcast

ANGELS for Hire! How the Spiritual & Mystical WORK for YOU! New Podcast with Jean Slatter

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How to Raise your Transcendent Intelligence (TQ) – New Podcast on Beyond the Reiki Gateway

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Quantum Living Podcast – Finding the Way to Myself – with Anna Anderson


Evidence of Divine Assistance

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