Your personal guide for the journeyWritten by Jean Slatter

Guide for the Journey
Higher Guidance is the part of us that always knows exactly what is going on. When we open communication with our Higher Guidance we are able to get direct answers to our most pressing questions.
Know that your Higher Guidance wants to be in communication with you and is, in fact, always in communication with you. With your invitation, your Higher Guidance is ready to take you on an amazing journey of discovery.
You may be familiar with Higher Guidance (maybe under a different context such as “intuition”) but at times question your experiences because you have trouble distinguishing between the incessant chatter of the head and the true, clear messages of higher wisdom. Don’t feel alone; almost everyone struggles with sorting the chatter from the message.
My favorite method of receiving information and confirmation of Higher Guidance is through pendulum dowsing. I started dowsing over 20 years ago and have become a master at connecting with my own Higher Guidance and that of my clients.
In addition, I began recording my conversations with my Higher Guidance in a brand new form of journaling. You can easily learn to do Higher Guidance Journaling as well. Higher Guidance Journaling puts you directly in touch with the part of you that has the answers to any life question you could ever think up to ask. This is where you get the grand “Ah ha’s” and realizations, and come to the knowing of your experience.
Once you feel confident about having an open communication channel with your Higher Guidance you will be able to align your life to flow effortlessly toward your higher purpose. Whenever I want to know the truth about something, I always go directly to the Source.