Awaken the mystical genius in you!Written by Jean Slatter

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Did you know life compels us to become Mystics  – but honestly, who has time for that??

I have been working on something BIG and I’m letting you in on the Secret  – the secret to living a life filled with magical synchronicity and divine winks that makes all of life a mystical experience.

Enjoy this video and let it whet your appetite.

This is all part of my NEW certification programs that I am crazy-excited to announce.

They are meant to take your personal growth into deeper dimensions at warp speed and

give you the opportunity to help others in an exciting coaching career.


The program is a perfect blend of intuition training, spiritual training, and powerful energy programs that bring clarity, direction and purpose to all of life’s quandaries.


If you’ve been looking for an amazing career helping others to understand their life purpose and how to navigate the journey, then look no further!

Life coaching is currently one of the fastest growing career opportunities.  But typical life coaching has its limitations.  With my training for Higher Guidance Life Coaching you’ll gain a distinct advantage that goes way beyond the standard cookie-cutter approach and gives you skill sets you can’t get anywhere else.



The advantage that sets you apart is knowing how to tune into Higher Guidance!

Higher Guidance is the only place you can get up-to-the minute,  relevant answers to your life’s quandaries.  Answers that are so spot-on you’ll have goose bumps.


Not only will YOU get clarity, direction and purpose for creating your life but

you’ll learn how to coach others in doing the same and get paid generously for it!


Are you already a life coach?  Then, hold on to your seat belts – this is the course that will skyrocket your intuition and equip you with astounding energy healing techniques that will clearly set you apart from the rest.


Curious?  Check it out here:


Join the magic!

Jean Slatter

Jean Slatter

Jean Slatter is an accomplished author and inspirational speaker who is helping thousands to receive clarity, direction and purpose through their direct access to Higher Guidance.

Jean Slatter podcast

ANGELS for Hire! How the Spiritual & Mystical WORK for YOU! New Podcast with Jean Slatter

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How to Raise your Transcendent Intelligence (TQ) – New Podcast on Beyond the Reiki Gateway

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Quantum Living Podcast – Finding the Way to Myself – with Anna Anderson


Evidence of Divine Assistance


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